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Giardia Antigen home test // Test your dog for Giardia

If your dog is suffering from diarrhea and or persistent upset stomach, it could potentially be infected with the Giardia parasite.

With the new home test kit, you can test your dog for the parasite yourself. The premise is the same as we know from the Coronavirus rapid test, which means: a negative test is an indicator, but not a guarantee, that your dog does not have the parasite. This is because a false negative may occur. If the test is positive, it is a good indicator that your dog is infected with Giardia and you should seek veterinary care for your dog immediately. The test gives 98.8% confidence.

If your dog is drowsy, shiny-eyed, or showing signs of dehydration, you should seek veterinary advice instead of testing them at home. It's also important to emphasize that you should seek veterinary advice if your dog continues to have an upset stomach for a long period of time.

As the parasite is contagious, you should not let your dog greet other dogs or let it drink in places where other dogs can also take water, as the parasite is also transmitted that way.

An instruction manual is included in the test kit - but you can also read it here:

How to use the Giardia Antigen home test
ATTENTION! The test must be performed on fresh feces.

Allow the swab to collect feces and then insert the swab into the test tube provided. Stir the stick in the test tube.
Open the test tube. A pipette is provided to aspirate the liquid from the test tube. Place 3 drops of liquid in the test hole 's' on the test itself.

Wait 5 minutes before reading the answer. After 10 minutes, the answer is no longer valid.

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Giardia Antigen home test // Test your dog for Giardia