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€0,00 Canyon // Anti-pull harness for dogs (pink)

Walk nicely harness designed to give your dog and you a more comfortable walk - this is part of's 'Naturals' collection, made from a blend of natural linen fibers and polyester. The rubber logo contains pear fibers and the click buckle has a 4-point locking system for extra security.

The harness has two d-rings where the line can be attached. Attaching the leash to the front of your dog's chest automatically turns your dog towards you when it tries to pull. This makes it less obvious for the dog to continue pulling and makes it easier for you to make contact and train your dog.
The leash can also be attached to the dog's back and used as a regular harness.

The harness is adjustable for the perfect fit and is made of soft fabric that is comfortable on the dog's fur. There is a padded control handle that can be used as needed.

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Størrelsesguide Anti-træk sele

1. Mål på det bredeste stykke bag forbenene

Vi anbefaler at du vælger den størrelse, hvor din hund ligger nogenlunde i midten af intervallet for at sikre den bedste pasform.

Størrelse 1.Bag forben 2. Brystet Anbefalede racer
39 - 51 cm
16 - 18 cm
Shih tzu, boston terrier, malteser
58 - 79 cm
22 - 31 cm
Beagle, mops, corgi, fransk bulldog
70- 96 cm
25 - 33 cm
Dalmatiner, golden retriver, schæfer

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Price from 30,00

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gå pænt sele hund Canyon // Anti-pull harness for dogs (pink)
Price from 30,00